Mountain Meanderings

Mountain Meanderings

Monday, December 17, 2012

Words from a Friend

Here i sit, staring warily at my pile of charts, CapGEN, IFR workbook, notepad, e6B and calculator. I am studying for my IFR exam (INRAT), and sometimes, the task seems so daunting that i feel i will never actually finish. IFR has been the hardest big step in my training progress. I feel like i used to be making Kraft Dinner, and now i'm supposed to be opening a 4-star restaurants. Numbers, rules, abbreviations, and equations all swim around in my head, bumping into the sore and throbbing walls of my brain like little toy boats in the bathtub. Sometimes i just want to give up! I was on one of my regular facebook-stalking study hiatuses yesterday when i came across a post from a friend and fellow writer/adventurer that really inspired me. It feels wonderful to know that i am not alone in the world striving towards something very challenging. I would like to share his words with you.

"Very few things in life are easy. Very often we struggle to do the tasks at hand, and we get tired, and we get a bit broken. This isn't abnormal, but the more difficult work of living and growing, and moving forward.

If you're climbing the mountain, we're roped up and cheering you on, or handing you hot chocolate. If you're paused at a view point or a peak, we celebrate your location, and the work it took to get there.

Looking ahead you may be aiming at a higher peak, or traversing a ridge, or descending to a valley floor.

All of those are moving forward. And have their time and place.

Very few things in life are easy.
You aren't doing it wrong.
You're doing it the the best you can.

And we can all benefit from adding to our skills, our conditioning, and our vision. Which usually involves falling down, and getting up, and falling down. And getting up.

So to all of you, walking this lifey-path, you have my support and huzzah. Keep up the good work ;)

Time for tea and a moment's enjoying the view, before I awkwardly trudge up this morning's ridgeline ;)"

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